
Are You Looking For FUE Hair Transplant in Delhi??


If you are suffering from hair loss, you are concerned about the insufficient growth of your beards, mustaches, if you want to have a fuller look for your hair, beard and mustache, if you want to a more hairy body, then you may be a good candidate for FUE Hair Transplant in Delhi. Hair follicles obtained with FUE method can be transposed to eyebrows as well. FUE is generally known for hair transplantation however it is possible to transfer the hair to any part of the body. The hair follicles obtained from different parts of your scalp can be transposed to any part of your body. Therefore if you are concerned about the insufficient growth of hair in any part of your body then you can have a better look with FUE Hair Transplant in Delhi.

Hair Transplant in Delhi


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimal encroaching method developed to obtain the hair follicles in an easier, faster and safer method. In this method, the follicles are pulled out one by one instead of (FUT). These are then grafted to the recipient area carefully in order not to damage the grafts. The angles of the grafted hair are the most crucial step in achieving a natural look.


FUE for Best Hair Transplant in Delhi is performed under local anesthesia. While operation you will be wide awake. In the first step; the strip of donor area is removed shaved in order to obtain the hair follicles efficaciously. In some cases, hair is not shaved. After getting the hair follicles out, they will be classified into subunits and counted. The channels to place the hair roots will be developed at the second step in a correct angle. At the third step, the hair roots will be grafted into these channels. You will be wide awake during the whole operation, in that period you can do whatever you want like you can watch TV, read a book etc. even you will be able to eat and drink during the operation.


After the operation by  Hair Transplant Surgeon in Delhi, your donor area will be covered with bandages which will be removed on the 3rd postoperative day. We will wash your head and teach you how to take care of the donor area and scalp area. You will be advised some products that you have to use after the FUE Hair Transplant in Delhi.  You can see the complete results within the 9 months of period.


  • Natural look
  • Fast recovery
  • Under local anesthesia